We do so love to get E-Mail. We read all the mail that comes to us, except for those that are easily identifiable as spam. We deal with those in a most... amusing way, so please do not waste your time nor ours by sending spam. You shall not like it.
From time to time we may post some of your mail either here on the page or, if especially appropriate, in the strip itself. By sending us mail, you are giving us permission to use it in such a manner, so once again please do not send us E-Mail if you are the shy and retiring type. Again, you shall not like it.
If you wish to send us mail, you may do so at the form at the bottom of this page. Thank you.
First, let us thank everyone who sent well-wishes while Pab was in the hospital. The prognosis is good for the forseeable future, and we are working on contingency members for when he will be going back into the hospital in January. With luck, you will never need to miss Queen Victoria, or sit through reruns, again.
Sara, the alleged Queen of the Hedgehogs, writes:
I love this comic, sadly though my coworkers don't understand it. Yet that only makes it funnier! Thanks so much!
There is no shame in feeling more intelligent than other people, Sara, especially if you are. Be proud of your intelligence. Remember, our strip is not for everyone. You are one of a select few, and that makes you better than the rest.
Sir William Gates observed the following:
hi, read recently Victoria Falls was named in honour of Queen Victoria. maybe jokes come forth utilizing this information?
Yes, they were. No, there are not.
A reader named Daniel wrote:
You are amusing! You are! Plus, thanks from a long-removed-from-the-east-coast-to-the-midwest girl for recent references to butterscotch krimpets (yum!) and the tram cars on the Wildwood boardwalk.
Yes, Pab worked in some references to his growing up (and still living, Heaven save him) in Southern New Jersey during the "cream pie season" storyline. Krimpets beggar description, but those who didn't get the tramcar reference may enlighten themselves by watching .
Mikayla Payne, known to her friends as Mickey, offered the following:
Your strip is amazingly hilarious, and highly addicting. Not the usual but then again, who wants the usual?
Obviously, a lot of people, Mickey. Otherwise, we would have more readers. However, see my response to Sara Hedgehog above. Welcome to the cult.
That's it for this installment. Cheers, then!