The New Adventures Of Queen Victoria began almost by accident. In early 2006, Pab Sungenis was kicking around a couple of ideas for comic strips which he could create using photo-manipulation and computer image editing (since, in his own words, his drawing ability was like that of "a mentally challenged rhinocerous on a Ny-Quil bender"). One of those ideas, inspired by Winsor McCay's "Little Nemo in Slumberland" was going to be called In The Land Of Wonderful Clipart and would involve famous people's wanderings through scenes filled with clipart characters. (Two of those characters, Maurice and Mrs. Clipart, would eventually find their way into Victoria.)

Pab was toying around with a number of images, including a picture of Queen Victoria, that would have been used in that strip, when he read a discussion on-line about the decline in quality of a certain popular comic strip. One of the images used in illustrating that discussion caught his eye, and he cut and pasted together a version of the strip at the top of this page, which he posted to the discussion under the title "The New Adventures of Queen Victoria." The response was positive, and just for fun, Pab did another, which can be seen here.
From there, one thing led to another, and strip followed strip. Early strips were posted to Pab's blog on LiveJournal before increasing popularity forced him to move them to their own blog in March, 2006. In April, 2006, The New Adventures of Queen Victoria joined the lineup at uClick's a service designed to gain exposure and commentary for up and coming cartoonists.
Since that point, there have been a few minor changes to the strip. The borders have been simplified, changes in technique have sped up the creation process and have made complex installments easier, but the philosophy behind the strip is still the same. Pab writes what he considers funny, occasionally throwing in some commentary and topical stuff, but always seeking to entertain an audience of one. "I'd go insane if I had to think 'will everyone get this joke?' every time I start work on a day's strip. If I get the joke, great. If others get the joke, even better. If they laugh, best of all. I don't write to the lowest common denominator, and hate strips that do. They act as if their readers are stupid, and don't give them credit for being able to get intellectual or highbrow stuff. Challenge your audience, and you might be surprised just how smart they really are."