The New Adventures Of Queen Victoria is now available for syndication on your website, blog, or print publication!
Online sales of the strip are handled by Universal Uclick. If you are interested in carrying the strip in your blog or on your website, click here for more information.
College Newspapers
The strip is offered free of charge to college and high school newspapers. For more information, contact Kris Leeds at .
Free dailies
In the spirit of "free," the strip is offered free of charge to free dailies. Call Kris Leeds at to sign up for the strip.
Other publications
The strip is available for daily newspapers and other print publications.
If your paper currently carries the strip on-line through Universal Uclick, or if your paper signs up for the strip for your website through Universal Uclick, the print version is available for just $1.00 extra per day.
If your paper currently carries Cathy, we will be happy to help you fill the empty space you will soon see on your comics page. Papers carrying Cathy may carry the strip free of charge for the first six weeks.
For all other papers, the daily strip is available on a trial basis for $1.00 per day for the first six weeks, then $2.00 a day for the rest of the first six months. Rates after six months are open to negotiation depending upon circulation.
To start carrying the strip, please call us at .
Technical Specifications and Delivery
The strip is delivered electronically, with each week's strips being made available the Monday before the week each strip is to run. The strip may be delivered either via E-mail, or by being downloaded from an FTP server. Alternate strips will sometimes be made available for papers when topical or controversial subjects are covered, or may be specifically requested by a paper if not offered in advance.
The strip is delivered as a GIF file, 1800px by 612px. At 300dpi, this translates to a native size of six inches by approximately two inches. The strip may be resized for printing as you see fit. Other file formats may be made available, please ask if you prefer a different file format.